PPSO Summer Photography Workshop at Canopy Creek Farm
/Professional Photographers of Southwest Ohio Summer Workshop
The PPSO has a workshop every year and this year it was held at Canopy Creek Farm in Miamisburg, OH on June 5th, 2017. A short 50 minute drive up I-75 and I was able to arrive on time for the class. It was held in this building which often is rented out for parties and events, weddings etc. Today, though it was for our photography seminar. We had a top pro photographer to come and teach our group.
Though we were not allowed to photograph around the stables here, the venue has a working farm as you can see here by the picture of this barn and horse.
The morning session started with an inside slide show training session. Though I no longer photograph weddings, there is still a lot that applies to portrait photographers as myself. People say they don't want to looked posed. But they know a good picture when they see one. The trick is to pose them so that they don't look posed. That is why learning posing technique is a good thing to know.
An interesting fact I learned is that most people think they look better than the camera really shows! As was this web information about a Dove Soap study with women done a few years ago. And so knowing how to make people look their best in pictures is still an important skill for any kind of photographer that photographs people.
Problem with photographers that practice only natural light photography is that they end up with pictures 1 or 2 shown below. By adding Off Camera Flash (OCF) in picture 3 a more stunning portrait can be created. I carry extra equipment just for this purpose. Backgrounds are everywhere if you can create your own main light.
Here is a selfie I took of myself at the outside hands on training session where we got to shoot alongside the instructor of the class. Believe it or not the hardest types of portraits to do are those done in direct sun about high noon! But with the use of Studio type flash used outside to over power the sun, great portraits can be had!
In background a powerful flash used to overpower the sun in late afternoon
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