4 Tips when having your photos framed
/When it comes to Framing here are 4 suggestions:
I got all my framing questions answered after attending a one day workshop. I now pass on some of what I learned to you.
Display of Culver Art and Frame Mouldings
Tip #1 When framing a photo behind glass add a mat to the image
Author Dave Likes at Culver Art and Frame One Day Class , Lewis Center, OH, September of 2012
When you don’t use a mat the photo touches the glass and over time can sweat causing it to stick to the glass. This makes it impossible to reframe the photo at a later date as you will ruin the image trying to remove it from the glass.
If you don’t want to mat the photo behind glass use spacers to keep it off the glass.
Tip # 2 Be informed on the types of glass that can be used and you may save some money
I finished my framing test in front of the group, can I open my eyes now?
Clear glass will show reflections and is not protected against UV rays which can cause the print to fade over time.
Non-glare frosted type glass tends to soft focus the image so it is not good if you want to see a lot of detail.
Anti-reflection glare has UV protection which helps keep the photo from fading and is less reflective.
Museum glass is the best for UV protection and not showing any glare but the most expensive.
Note: Acrylic (Inexpensive plexiglass) is more of a safety glass as it does not break like real glass. Used often with cheaper frame kits you can buy yourself, it also can easily scratch.
Tip # 3 Have your photo printed on canvas and framed without glass
Professional Photographers often mount their photos and coat them. This eliminates the need for glass and reduces reflection. Mostly done when a Canvas image is ordered it can be done to a standard print as well.
Tip # 4 Whether you use glass or not, mount your image on a wall that does not receive direct sun
Otherwise the image will fade very quickly over time.
Also you might want to read how I answer this question on Quora:
Why do frames for art and photos cost so much when they are basically just a square square?