Eyes are the Window to the Soul in a Portrait
/Ever been asked what color are your loved ones eyes are? You pull out your smartphone to take a look at a past picture you took and can’t tell because the eyes are too dark!
The idea of a true portrait is to see the face of the subject - specifically the eyes! And this can only be accomplished by getting light in the eyes. The little light specks are called “catch lights.” And pro portrait photographers are experts at creating this look.
Inside portrait by window light on a cold cloudy winter day
I love photographing outside. And using the natural environment as a background. But what do you do in the dead of Winter when all the foliage has turned brown?
Inside window light is a great option to have for portraits. I look for a background that will support my subjects clothing colors. The green plant behind the female subject helps compliment her green top.
I lowered the strobe light striking his face so that his cap did not block the light in his eyes
I carry additional lights on location with me. In this case I added two strobes behind the accent the photographer’s clothing so it would not blend in with the background.
Use a black background to focus attention on the subject’s face
Adding a black background not only eliminates distractions behind my subject but helps draw attention to her and her alone.
Putting couples together for a photo is fun for me
Truly eyes are the window to the soul in a portrait. And getting light in the eyes is one of my goals in every portrait that I do!
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